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    Xiangxue & UM – To Build International Innovation Platform For TCM

    Date: 26-June-2019   

    Source:  MASTVNET (https://www.imastv.com/news/Macao/2019-06-12/334564.html)

    Subject:Xiangxue & UM – To Build International Innovation Platform and Demonstration Base of Industrialization For TCM

    Cooperating with University of Macau, Xiangxue works to build International Innovation Platform and Demonstration Base of Industrialization for TCM in the Greater Bay Area. With the purpose of providing quality services to the people in the Greater Bay Area, platforms of “TCM Intelligence” and community network services of TCM will be established in both Guangzhou and Macau.

    意昂体育集团与澳门大学合作建设“大湾区中医药国际创新平台及智慧中医产业化示范基地”,在澳门及广州建立 “智慧中医”平台及中医社区服务网络,为大湾区提供优质中医药服务。
    XPH Group
    TCM Resources